
Frequently Asked Questions

1. Are Rexmere Village / Paradise Village located in a good location?
Rexmere Village and Paradise Village are located in the S.W. Fort Lauderdale town of Davie near great shopping, restaurants, museums, movie theaters, many recreational activities (indoors and out!) and of course just 15-20 minutes drive from numerous world class "Gold Coast Beaches". MORE

2. Is there an HOA?
No. There is no Home Owner’s Association. We are not a condominium. We are a community of single family homes in a land lease community. MORE

3. What does it cost to live in Rexmere Village and/or Paradise Village?
We often get this question from out of state shoppers wondering about the cost of living in our area. Below is a rough estimates of living costs that you can expect to have on a monthly/ongoing basis: MORE

4. Can I get financing? How do I qualify?
If you are a financially responsible individual with a good history of employment (2+ years), good credit and low debt relative to income (DTI), we can assist. MORE

5. Where can I see what homes you have for sale now?
Our website(s) contain most of our listings. We are adding homes regularly so check back often. Sometimes homes sell before they even manage to get to the website! MORE

6. What is a “Manufactured” Home?
We are frequently asked to explain the difference and benefits of a "manufactured" versus a "site built" home. MORE

7. Can international buyers purchase at Rexmere Village or Paradise Village?
Yes! We have many, many home owners at Rexmere Village who are from outside of the U.S. We would be delighted to welcome you, and to be of service in answering any question you might have.

8. Can I purchase my home as an “investment” and rent it out?
The community does not permit open rentals to strangers. (There are no "investors" in the community.) MORE

9. Are Pets Allowed?
Yes! Both Rexmere Village and Paradise Village are pet friendly communities. MORE

10. What is the process? How do I qualify?
If you are paying cash for your house, the process can be very fast and easy. MORE

11. What are your hours? Do I need an appointment? Our sales offices are open seven days a week for your convenience! We highly recommend always having an appointment so that you don’t have to wait a long time for me to finish with another home shopper.

*All amenities, features, services, charges, rents or fees are subject to change, termination or alteration at any time. The community, or its vendors or providers, may discontinue at its discretion, or as provided for or detailed in Community prospectus rules, or lot lease. The charge for certain services or features now paid for by Community may, in the future, be the responsibility of residents, if detailed in Community prospectus or rules of lease.

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© Rexmere Village 2024